Disconnect chatbot from just 1 Facebook page and leave others intact transcript


If you would like to completely disconnect the Facebook page from ManyChat, or any other chatbot platform and leave other pages intact, open business Integrations with this link:


There, find a chatbot platform, you’d like to disconnect and click “View and edit”.

Disconnect chatbot from just 1 Facebook page - Step 1


After the pop-up opens, scroll down to these sets of permissions. And in each one, find the page you would like to disconnect. For example, this one and then uncheck it from the first set of permissions.

QT5 5 Chatbots for everyone!

Uncheck it from the second set of the permissions. And go all the way down until you uncheck this page for all permissions.

After you do that, you just scroll down and click “Save” and that would be it.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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